Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupy LA's Last Stand or.... FREE LEONARD

 Well, Occupy LA is now GONE. I'm bummed. I was going to finish my blog on it today. But alas...I'm too late.So I'll write this blurb and post a few pics just to give you very slight idea of what its been like.

The Idiot in the tree house was removed by crane, whining and crying like a baby. It was funny. I think the green eye shadow he was wearing will go over real big in county jail. The whole area is now fenced off and the HazMat Teams are cleaning it all up. What a disaster area. They left one gigantic mess and a path of destruction in their wake. Not to mention a Health Hazard!!! Really...It was reported yesterday by paramedics that they've treated many people at the Occupy LA site for Staph infections, Meningitis, which is highly contagious and as we heard, there's an infestation of lice.
 The 'movement' lost its purpose after 2 to 3 weeks in and just degenerated from there.
What was only a months ago, filled with legitimate activists and protesters, had turned into one gigantic party for kids that don't have anything better to do but hang out. Over the weeks the transformation has been astonishing. The 1st two weeks you had organizers and true activists. Then you got the influx of a lot of middle class kids (you can tell by their clothes) thinking this was something 'cool' to do. And why not... Its cool to sit around all day, beat bongos and smoke pot. Yea, THAT'S going to make some real changes to the system too.  Then the homeless wised up and moved in. Again... why not. Free food, portable toilets and a place on the grass to sleep. Oh yea, then the mentally ill came along with them and things REALLY got interesting. It also became a magnet that has attracted hordes of bums, hoodlums, drug addicts, miscreants, criminals and circus side show freaks like you wouldn't believe. I saw it on a daily basis. There was one idiot outside my window that kept blowing a voovazella and after a week I was ready to wring his scrawny neck with it. But my boss won't let me. And plenty of people have had run-ins with the occupiers and I had seen arrests on a daily basis. It really got way out of hand.

The protesters were outside my 3rd fl. window for over two months and I hadn't been able to open it for fresh air anymore. There was none!  After 4 weeks there were some mighty ripe bodies down there and the whole place became a trash bin. The more jobless, homeless and the shiftless people that went there to hang out, the bigger the mess becomes. Jobs, or lack there of, is one of the main points of this first. But I haven't seen very many people that I could look at and say...yea, I'd hire that guy. I had talked to over a dozen of the 'campers' who are demanding free...well, free everything. It always cracks me up when I here "we demand".  And demanding a free ride...its just not going to happen either. It would taken me several pages here to tell you all that has been said to me when I spoke to different people, but one thing that I have come away with from the people that I spoke with is most are just arrogantly stupid. Or at the very least, greatly uninformed about what is really going on in the world and how it works. Most of what I heard was 'Fuck corporate greed' and 'End the Fed', without any solid argument for it. Just parroting what some organizer told them to say. You'll see some pics of some pretty disturb looking 'job seekers'. Oh lets be honest ...most of these people don't really want to work anyway. Like I said, they just want the government to give them money, well... because... they 'Demand it'! This whole thing started out as a good idea, but its quickly turned bad and I'm glad its over.