Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day Tribute 2012

First, I just want to say, Happy Father's Day to all my friends who are Dads. Lord knows, it ain't easy. Good Job guys! I know that there are a lot of you out there in the same 'age bracket' as me who's Dads may have passed on. And if not, all the better. Dads are Always remembered and Never forgotten. We have all learned a great deal from our Fathers and can apply what we have learned sometimes on a daily basis and pass on these little gems of inspiration. There are few days that go by that I don't think of my Father and I just want to share some of the 'Old School Parenting Words of Wisdom' that I learned from my Pop. And I'll bet you can add a few of your own too. Keep in mind, this is from the boys point of view, because my younger sister got away with Everything and she still turned out just fine.  Ok, Here it is.

1. Your going to sit there until you finish your dinner and I don't care if it takes all night. Sometimes accompanied by:
Eat you dinner, there are people in China that are starving.

2. When I say No, I mean NO!

3. Why? Because, THATS why! Sometimes phrased as: BECAUSE I SAID SO!

4. Luck come to those who are prepared.

5. Don't make me pull this car over. Or, on the way to someplace fun...
If you kids don't behave, I'll turn this care around and go straight home!

6. Go ask your Mother.

7. Children should be seen and not heard.

8. When I was your age... (add anything you like here)

9. This is your LAST Warning!

10. I'm spanking you because I love you. Sometimes accompanied by: 
This will hurt me more than it does you...Yea right.

11. What's so funny. Wipe that smile off your face.

12. Look at me when I talk to you.

13. If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about.

14. You want an increase in your allowance...Why?

15. Two wrongs don't make a right

16. You did WHAT?!!!

17. You think money grows on trees? Sometimes accompanied by:
You'll learn the value of a dollar when you have to work for it.

18. Do what I say, not what I do.

19.You need to get a job this Summer. Accompanied by: Your not hanging around this house for 3 months doing nothing.

20. And Last, but not least... Son, no matter what you do in life, always do your Best.