Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...oh my aching back!

Got back yesterday from a 4 day visit with my family in Henderson Nevada (right next to Las Vegas) My sister and her family live about two miles away from my mom. Mom lives by herself in her own home AND... is still the matriarch of us all. Check her out. She is now 92 years old. That's right 92!!! and she looks like a well maintained 70. She is sharp as a tack, reads voraciously (she loves CIA and spy thrillers) and has a small book of maps of the world that she refers to to make sure she knows what she's talking about.

Anyway, to get back to my point. I love going there to visit and hate leaving, but always enjoy coming home. Right? Doesn't everybody? This time I hated leaving but was ecstatic to get home... JUST TO TAKE A REST! Without going into details, she had me workin' my fanny off for all four days. She is a woman that is full of love and accommodation, COOKS LIKE ONLY YOUR MOM CAN and KNOWS how to get things done. Check out the pic and you will see her DIRECTING as only she can. And keep in mind. She is 92 and kickin' hard! The pics were taken on her 90th Birthday Bash, but she doesn't look much different today.

My sister Denise looks pretty good too for .... She'd kill me if I posted her age. (Why are women so upset about there age anyway?) And I know she does even more things for mom than I do. Heck, she only lives only 2 miles from her and trust me. Mom runs her ragged too.
Damn, I love 'em both :o)
I would be unfair if I didn't mention my brother in law Bob. He is a Great guy and treats mom like a Queen. He is there for her whenever she needs anything and always with a smile.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ups n Downs and the LOWRIDER BAND

After a solemn Friday afternoon at a friends funeral services there are some bright spots. I saw several old friends there and did some re-connecting. NOW for the lighter side!
Had a Great weekend! Saturday, Pati and I went to my friend Nick's new home in Palm Springs for an afternoon patio party with several of my friends. Harold Brown of 'WAR' and now the main man behind the 'LOWRIDER BAND', AND... former roommate, was there too. Pati and his girl friend hit it off right away. So, Saturday afternoon we went to HB's and Pati went Groupie all over the place. We went into his studio, talked, listened to the latest tune he is working on and invited them over for dinner that night. They came, and we all had another terrific evening. Brown had Pati on the edge of her seat while he told his stories about music and his beginnings. Harold Brown is a Great musician, a historian and a man of strong convictions and deep integrity and I'm glad to call him a friend. We'll see him and his girl Cindy again in the near future and this time HB is doin' the cookin'. And I can tell you from past experience, Harold can cook!!!
Check out ' or just Google LowRider Band and get the whole story. Its really interesting.