Friday, June 17, 2011

My Father's Day Tribute

Without any photos or videos, I just want to say a few words about my Dad and I would imagine it may apply to a lot of you out there as to how you feel about your Fathers too.

Poppa, My silent Hero. How can I thank you for all you did for me and our family. You loved your family, your God and your Country. You quietly worked your ass off to put a roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our back and did everything you could and giving us every opportunity to make our lives better than when you were young. And you never once complained. You drove us out to California to our new home, in your old '46 Studebaker that would pop out of gear. You had to hold the gearshift down the whole way. I know your arm was really hurting at the end of our trip. You never complained. You bought me my first baseball glove so I could play Little League. I was terrible! But you only encouraged me to work at it and it would get better. It did. And no matter how bad a player I was, you never complained. You gave blood once a month for over 30 years, because you knew someone out there needed it, and you Never complained. You volunteered at our church to help poor families in the area, even though you had no time or money to do so and you never complained. You treated Mom like a queen and always found a way to smooth anything over when she might have been upset. You were always there for us whenever we needed to talk. And even though you worked two jobs, you always found a few hours on the weekend to spend with us and take us for a ride in that old Studebaker. never complained. You waited up all night for me to come home because I didn't call, kicked me in the butt when I did get home, then hugged me and said "All you have to do is call. Your mom was worried sick". Dad,I learned my lesson... responsibility. You were my Father, my mentor, my role model and my Hero. You wrote me a letter once a week when I was overseas in the Army, bailed my ass out a couple of times when I got in trouble and like a rock, you never complained.  One day, many years ago, you wrote me a short note when I was going through some hard times. All it said was; " Son, always look up, never down"... Love Dad"
I still have it, and live by your words. Its framed, hanging on a wall and I look at it every morning and think about you. There is not a day that goes by that you don't come to mind. Even when it was your time, you knew it, and weren't afraid, you said you were ready. You Never complained. Poppa, You are a much braver man than I could ever be. I love you Dad and I miss you very much. You will Always be on my mind and in my heart. Thank you for being my Dad.
Happy Father's Day Poppa, Happy Father's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for your tribute. Brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could hold my dad's hand again and let him know how much I appreciate all that he did for our family. My dad never gave up the good fight for life. He worked
    hard and played hard. I try to do the same. Thanks Leo.



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