Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekends in San Pedro-Part 1 of 3...The Bubble Man

Sundays in San Pedro are usually Great. Especially when the weather is nice, with the sun shining and a cool breeze lightly brushing across your face. Pati and I spend our time on the boat which has a large rear deck with plenty of room to sit and look out at the water, watch the boats, the large ships and the sea life and just relax the time away talking, laughing and fixing some great meals.It is very pleasant and refreshing. It re-charges my batteries for the coming week and I look forward to it almost every weekend. On my next blog, (part 2) there will be more on that with a couple of small video vignettes to come as well.

In the meantime, concentrating on this past Sunday, we decided to take a walk and went to Ports o' Call for a little diversion and some sight seeing. Walk down towards the end of the Ports o' Call promenade and among other things, you just may run into the 'Bubble Man' of San Pedro.
This old guy who looks like a real 'Salty Dog' and by all observations, isn't 'All There' upstairs... if you know what I mean. Yet he seems to make his way in the world and tries to make a few buck$ blowing large bubbles with his home made bubble making stick and string. His biggest problem, I think is, he either scares away, or ticks off his potential donors of cash to his little wooden box where his intentions are to get tips from those who stand around and watch him.
The problem is, he doesn't say a word, but tries to communicate with a bunch of weird and wild arm waving and hand signals. That and a small sign attached to his donation box, that says: 'Don't Pop the Bubbles!' Well...if you do, he gets really upset and sits down on his bench, puts his hat over his eyes and won't blow any bubbles until you move.

This wasn't our first run-in with the Bubble man, so I gotta' tell ya'. We were laughing like crazy watching all of this interaction with the public, because when the people walking around are seeing him for the first time, they don't know what to make of it all either.
OK, enough said. Watch the two short videos and you see what I've been talking about.
Ah, life! There's new adventurers every day. Tune in next week for part two of Sundays in San Pedro.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Marissa. The Bubble man is deaf. My mom is deaf too and when I was a little girl I would sign to him and he would smile and let me make bubbles too. He showed me how he made the stick with the rope and we made big bubbles. He's a very kind man and lives in a quiet world. He gets upset when you pop his bubbles. I haven't seen him in a long time but I hope he's still having fun making big bubbles.


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