Friday, May 7, 2010


Ok, before I finish and post part 2 of Weekends in San Pedro, I have a few more words on the immigration issue that has been flaring up all over the place lately. If you read my Rant, 'Boycott, what boycott, you know how I feel about this issue. What is prompting me to write a little more is this: Today I saw another (small) demonstration downtown LA, of about 25 to 30 kids, mostly teenagers who where yelling, banging drums and chanting. What they were chanting was 'viva Mexico' and waving the Mexican flag and waving posters about equality. Well, if you wanted to become part of this country, wouldn't you want be chanting 'viva USA' and waving an American Flag? They just don't get it! Every other ethnicity that comes here to live and work, wants to become Americans. Sure, they are proud of their heritage, so am I, but I don't run around waving an Italian flag and chanting viva Italia! Neither do the Chinese immigrants, Korean, Polish, Russians or any others that make their way here from their home country.
I understand why they want to come here. I get it. Its a much better way of life, an opportunity to make more money and improve their lives greatly. I get that! Evidently... they don't. This is why there is such a massive backlash of feelings against what people are seeing in the streets and on the news and their support of Arizona. Now you have American students, wearing t-shirts with American flags on them being kicked out of school for doing so. All the while the Mexican students were waving the Mexican flag and chanting once again... viva Mexico. Doesn't that strike a cord in anybody, like... hey, something here just isn't right.
Mexico is a beautiful country. I have been there several times in the past and enjoyed my visits. The views are great, the food is good and the people are warm, friendly and hospitable. But its pay scale, living conditions and corrupt government leave way too much to be desired for its citizens, so they want to come here. I get it!
What I have a great deal of trouble with is, They DON'T get it... VIVA USA!

1 comment:

  1. The liberals don't get it either. Especially the LIMOSINE LIBERALS.


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