Monday, February 14, 2011


My girlfriend Pati, and a few others, usually take a Power Walk a few times a week up 6th Street in Downtown San Pedro. 6th Street is the heart of the downtown area with shops, theaters, restaurants galleries and is in the middle of a re-birthed area of the city. A couple of months ago as they walked, they were passing a gallery/dance studio where they were giving Tango lessons. (Argentine Tango, I guess there is more than one kind). Anyway, they decided to stop in, take a look and watch awhile, thought it looked cool and joined in. On Tuesday evenings Pati and a couple of others go to Tango practice and are now taking some lessons as well. She's totally into it and now she gets all jazzed looking forward to the next session. Well, this past Saturday night, the studio put on a big tango party and dancers from several different areas all came to participate. There was music, food, wine and lots of dancers all dressed in their tango best for the event. The coolest part of the evening was at the beginning when it was decided to have a Flash Mod Tango right in the middle of 6th Street. And it WORKED!!!  First, one couple started to dance and slowly others joined in as it moved out into
the street. Before you know it the street was filled with dancers doing the Argentine Tango. It was one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. I always have my camera with me so I decided to video the event and am glad I did. Some traffic was stopped, but only for about two minutes while the one dance was going on. Then they all went back into the studio and continued to have a Great time.
While I was shooting the video, one impatient driver started to beep his horn in anger and without really thinking, I guess I blurted out a small profanity in response. Nothing bad, just impatient with impatience. Take a look at the video. It was really a lot of fun and a good time was had by all.

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