Monday, February 7, 2011

Why can't someone...ANYONE, sing the national Anthem the way its supposed to be done. I get it that the singer wants to make it a bit special, but the whole thing has gotten Way Out of Hand! Its become ALL about them and their Mega egos instead of the song and what it stands for. Lets get back to basics for a change. Shame on you Christina. You totally F'd up the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. Hey ChrisScreema.... Don't you think you should know the words before you get up in front of the whole Nation and not only forget the lyrics, but triple octave the song all over the damn place like a fool. Great job girl...NOT!!! Your Gorgeous and talented and I ...used to like you. But like all too many, your an ego maniac who's head is too damn big to fit in the right sized hat.

And lets not forget that Idiot Roseanne Barr and what she did to disgrace the moment.

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